West London Dentist, Klaudia Tombolis, carries out Specialist Orthodontic Treatment using Inman Aligners, Clear Aligners and Invisalign at Ethicare DentalFull correction of different malocclusions can involve anything from oral surgery, fixed upper and lower braces(metal, ceramic or gold lingual braces) or a combination of different removable appliances to correct minor malocclusions and or minor alignment issues.

The alternatives to straighten front teeth involved either long orthodontic treatments or somewhat destructive restorative treatments such as veneers or crowns. Even ultrathin veneers involve a reduction of natural teeth when used to align crowding or protrusion.

The Inman Aligner is a cost-effective removable orthodontic appliance that moves teeth in a fraction of the time of other systems. It aligns crowded or protruding anterior teeth with two opposing spring-loaded aligner bars. This provides gentle but continuous pressure over a large range of movement. Surprisingly, this gentle pressure is the quickest way to move teeth but it also makes treatment very safe and kind to teeth. It is suitable to correct crowded upper and lower front teeth. The average treatment time is only 4-16 weeks and now with concerns over the economy, it’s a more justifiable expense.

Invisalign is another removable option to align teeth. It’s successful in treating overly crowded or widely spaced teeth. It can also relieve more complex issues, including overbites, underbites and even crossbites. Because Invisalign is clear and nearly invisible, most people will never know you’re straightening your teeth – unless you tell them. The treatment time involved can range anywhere from 6 to 24 months depending on the complexity of movements.

In many cases of malocclusions, auxiliary techniques can be used to optimize the results. Very minor crowding can be treated by using clear aligners. Crossbites can be treated using cross bite correctors. Narrow arches can be improved using expansion removable appliances. The choices are endless, and every patient is different and requires a different treatment plan and approach depending on time commitments, financial considerations and initial complaints and goals to be achieved.

One thing is for certain, adult removable orthodontic treatment has opened many doors and gives us an array of treatment choices that would otherwise be limited to traditional restorative dentistry only.

Orthodontic treatments gives us the opportunity to be conservative and oral health conscious for the long term benefit of every patient.

Putney Bridge

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250 Upper Richmond Road, Putney, London, SW15 6TG

Areas we serve: Putney, Wandsworth and surrounding areas

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Monday08:45 – 18:00
Tuesday08:45 – 21:00
Wednesday08:45 – 18:00
Thursday08:45 – 18:00
Friday08:15 – 17:00
Saturday09:00 – 14:30

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