We have found over the years that more and more people are becoming concerned about crooked teeth. Whereas in the past orthodontic treatment seemed to be restricted to children in their teenage years, more and more adults are now interested in straightening their teeth.

This may be because people are becoming more conscious about their appearance or because there are now more options than ever before. At Ethicare Dental, we offer a range of affordable orthodontic options in Wandsworth and Putney.

In the past, people opted for the quick fix of porcelain veneers to solve the problem of crooked teeth because they were put off by extended orthodontic treatment times and unsightly metal braces. These days there are various ways to carry out teeth straightening using methods that are almost invisible to the eye and treatment times are now lower. These methods include various symptoms such as Invisalign, Generic Clear Aligner systems, lingual braces or ceramic braces.

How can you straighten my teeth?

We can carry out a free orthodontic consultation to assess you for Invisalign or clear aligners. If your case is too complex for these treatment options or would not fully meet your treatment wants or needs we will refer you to our specialist orthodontist for a consultation to have braces.

It is not only cosmetic issues that can be solved once teeth are straightened. Often crooked teeth are much harder to keep clean as cleaning between the teeth is much more difficult and gum disease and dental decay can occur as a result.

Veneers and crowns have now become the last resort when it comes to straightening teeth simply because of the consequences which can occur as a result of having these treatments. There should often be other issues going on before these options are considered such as severely discoloured teeth or very heavily filled teeth so that aligning the teeth alone would not solve the cosmetic problem in these cases.

If you are interested in getting straighter teeth please go to the Invisalign clear braces, generic clear aligners or orthodontist section.

Please see our crowns or veneers pages if you are interested in these options.

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Putney Bridge

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Our beautiful new practice is located at:
250 Upper Richmond Road, Putney, London, SW15 6TG

Areas we serve: Putney, Wandsworth and surrounding areas

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Opening times

Monday08:45 – 18:00
Tuesday08:45 – 21:00
Wednesday08:45 – 18:00
Thursday08:45 – 18:00
Friday08:15 – 17:00
Saturday09:00 – 14:30

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